How to know if you are pound for pound stronger than your friends

Have you ever wondered how your 245 clean stacks up to that one big guy in the gym who cleans 275?

Maybe he’s 60 pounds heavier than you and you are thinking there must be some way to accurately measure the difference pound for pound. There is a way!

A little hidden gym all Olympic Weightlifters know about is called the Sinclair Formula. In a nutshell, the Sinclair Formula is an algorithm that compares your bodyweight to how much you can clean and jerk and snatch.

Let’s take the example from above. Let’s say you weigh 170 lbs. and you can clean 245. Once you put these to numbers in the calculator, you will get a coefficient of 138.60.

Now let’s take a look at the big guy across the gym who just cleaned 300lbs. He weighs 235 lbs. and his Sinclair coefficient calculates to 135.29.

So technically you are pound for pound stronger than him, even though he lifts more weight. Here is a link to the calculator so you can play around with it:

It will tell you pound for pound how you stack up to anybody. For powerlifting for the squat, bench, and deadlift you can use the Wilks formula and works just the same:

On the topic of calculators, we have one of our own. The Brute Strength Calculator will show you exactly how your leg strength, overhead strength and speed-strength measure up against each other. This is extremely useful to know because it will determine where you should be spending your time and energy in the gym if you’re trying to move the heaviest weight possible.

Hope you enjoy these simple tools to add a little more excitement and competition between you and your friends!