
  • Female Voices on the Brute Podcast

    We’re celebrating 2019’s International Women’s Day by highlighting some of the incredible women who have been on the Brute Strength Podcast.

    Brooke Ence Ep. 71  Ep.19

    Mattie Rogers Ep. 38

    Dana Linn Bailey Ep.51

    Jessica Lucero Ep. 37  Ep.121

    Lisa Bilyeu Ep.192

    Hannah Eden Ep.178

    Rachel Balkovec Ep.170

    Dawn Fletcher Ep.157

    Nicole Carroll Ep.151

    Margaux Alvarez Ep.134

    Christmas Abbott Ep.48 Ep.127

    Emily Schromm Ep.126

    Emily Duncan Ep.123

    Girls Gone WOD Ep.110

    Krissy Mae Cagney Ep.2  Ep.99

    Rory Zambard Ep.14

    Adee Cazayoux Ep18 Ep53 Ep132 Ep65 Ep77 Ep117 Ep162

    Heidi Powell Ep39

    Katrin Davidsdottir Ep45

    Kara Saunders Ep.114

    Camille Leblanc-Bazinet Ep.103


  • Brute Men’s Showdown

    A weightlifter, powerlifter, bodybuilder and CrossFit athlete walk into an arena together — who wins? 🤔

    We’ve teamed up with Bodybuilding.com and Mark Bell Slingshot to explore that question, bringing you a competition like never seen before.

    In the following four episodes, Bodybuilder Lawrence Ballenger, Powerlifter Steve Gentilli, CrossFit Games Athlete Jacob Heppner, and Olympic Weightlifter Luis Javier Mosquera go head to head in ten (extremely) diverse competitions!

    Episode 1: Meet the Competitors

    In the first episode of our four-part miniseries, you’ll get a chance to meet Jacob, Steve, Lawrence and Luis and learn more about why they were selected for this epic smackdown of strength.

    Episode 2: Max Clean & Grace

    The Max Clean and CrossFit WOD: Grace are the first two of 10 separate events we have planned for our competitors. Both test the athletes in different ways and their performance here might have an impact on how they do for the rest of the competition.

    Episode 3: Deadlift, Physique Show & Burger Challenge

    Anyone well versed in the art of fitness knows that it doesn’t just stop at strength and muscle. Can you pose? Can you flex? Can you eat?

    Episode 4: All the Balls

    With our Football Combine, Soccer Ball Dribble, Football Throw, Batting Cage and Baseball Throw and Baseball Knockout events, our competitors reach the finale. Find out who we reign the fittest of this series in this final episode.

    Brute Showdown

    Enter your email to keep up with the competition and watch next week’s episode first.

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  • Coming Back From a Spinal Fracture

    Spinal injuries are on a different scale than a sprain or muscle pain, so it’s important to treat them as such. Brute Strength’s Director of Injury Management, Dr. Sean Pastuch is breaking down the steps to take if one of your athletes approaches you with a spinal injury.

    To start, get them out of the gym for 2-6 weeks. The spine isn’t like a sprain, muscle pain or ligament tear. If they come back from rest and claim that a move is hurting them, that’s a sign that their body still needs time to recover. Once they’ve recovered long enough that they can make a majority of movements without pain, start with the basics. Their spine is essentially new, so it’s important to go over proper form so it can warm up to the movements.

    Once the basics are covered, you can start building. Start your athlete at 20-25 percent and over the course of 8-20 weeks increase by 1.4-1.5 times every four weeks. The best way to ensure recovery from a spinal injury is to make sure that nothing is painful. You’re on the right track to recovery when your athlete can build up from the basics over a 20-week-period pain-free.

    If you or your athlete wants the ultimate support in getting back in the gym, we suggest looking into the Brute One-on-One Program.

  • What You Need to Know About Your Posture

    One of the most frequent questions that our coaches at the Active Life get are in regard to posture and what exercises they would recommend in order to improve posture or body positions.

    The fact is your body will assume the posture that is the most advantageous for it at any given time. What you need to be thinking about are “what positions am I spending the most time in” and “what does the opposite of this look like?” Once you can determine that and begin to implement these changes in your movement, you will begin to see an improvement in the balance throughout your body.

    For more from the Active Life check out: https://performancecarerx.com

  • Don’t Get Benched by the Bench Press

    I’m sure you’ve heard—they’re testing the bench press now.


    Don’t lay down and get lifting.

    Going all-in on the bench press can ruin your performance.

    Going all-in on ANY movement can ruin your performance.

    If your bench press is weak, yeah, work on it.

    But don’t be absorbed by it.

    Keep your fitness well-rounded.

    And hit the books.

    Do your homework.

    Research past competitions.

    Evaluate your personal strengths and weaknesses.

    Apply what you’ve learned.

    If you’re scared of it, that’s a hint you should do it more often.

    For strength training that doesn’t suck download these 32 accessory workouts and warm-ups  here.

  • Workout of the Week 9.18: Brute Body

    If you want to look like an athlete, you have to start training like one. That’s why we created Brute Body – so you can get your daily ass-kicking at the gym straight from your phone.

    Once you live a day in the life of a Brute Body athlete, you’ll want to join the squad. Try it before the next cycle of sign-ups ends for a taste of what to expect on your journey to your most shredded you.

    Upper Body Warm-Up 7

    We know you’re excited to flex those muscles, but first, you’ll need to warm them up with this quick round of exercises.


    Now for the good stuff, aka, the part you’re going to want to show off to your
    Instagram followers.

    Complete three sets of the following exercises with the appropriate amount of reps:

    Behind the Neck Jerk – 3 x 3 Reps 70% 80% 85%

    Strict Press – 3 x 5 Reps  65% 75% 85%

    Supine Pull-Ups – 3 x 5 Reps

    Neutral Grip Single-Arm Dumbbell Bench Press – 3 x 6 Reps

    Neutral Grip Ring Pull-Ups – 3 x 6 Reps

    METCON 10 Minute AMRAP

    I hope you’re not out of breath just yet because we’re finishing this session off with a METCON.

    Three workouts. Ten Minutes. As many rounds as possible. Grab your phone, set your timer, and run this through until you can’t push any further (just make sure that point is after the 10-minute mark).

    • 50 Double Unders
    • 10 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
    • 10 Rings Dips

    Crushed it.

  • The Open is here. You’re questioning everything. Belt or no belt, lifters or no lifters. The number one answer is do what you’re used to. During the Open is no time for big life changes or brand-new equipment. BUT if you want to figure out if lifters could help you perform better, consider yourself. What’s your biggest limiter? Is it weight-lifting? Is it toes-to-bars? Lifters are gonna add a little weight, so if you typically go ham on pull-ups and struggle a little with the barbells, maybe it’s worth the lifters. If you’re the opposite, maybe ride it out without them and try them next week.

  • Grab your shades, we’re headed down to the land of orange juice for the 2018 Brute Athlete Camp. You comin’ with? We’ve got 2 action-packed days of life-changing lectures and competition-wrecking pro-tips. Hosts include a few of our faves: Chris Hinshaw, Adrian Conway, Matt Bruce, Nick Sorrel, Nick Fowler, Michael Cazayoux and Adee Cazayoux.

    Catch flights, not feelings, amirite?

    See you in Miami.

  • Your strategy for Diane (18.4)

    Well, looks like Diane is bringing her boyfriend to this party, with a classic 21-15-9 rep set times two.

    Many of you may jump into this attacking Diane like you’ve done in the past, but you better take a different approach if you want to have a nice meeting with her boyfriend.

    Breaking it up early, before you get fatigued is key here. Listen to Brute Coach Adrian Conway breakdown the strategy and give you tips you probably haven’t thought of, before taking on 18.4.

  • Blog: 18.3 Strategy Guide

    18.3 isn’t a nice lady.

    Double-unders, heavy weights and muscle-ups — oh my!

    Remember when you thought 18.2 was a bitch? Meet 18.3. With the most reps in the history of the Open, this one has everyone screaming #damndave.

    Enough panicking — we’ve got your strategy guide.

    From warming up to staying in the game, this 14-minute video with Brute Coaches Nick Fowler and Adrian Conway has you covered.