The jerk dip can be one of the trickiest movements in weightlifting for a number of athletes. Once you are able to master the descent and change of direction to drive the weight overhead, you can see huge improvements in all of your overhead lifts that require a dip. There are several key factors to pay close attention to when performing the dip and drive:
1. Foot Position – (slightly inside shoulders width)
2. Elbow position (45 degree angle)
3. Pushing your knees slightly out (this will help keep a straight line and allow you to keep your hips under the bar to make for a powerful dip)
4. Descent (slow descent to roughly 1/8 squat)
5. Quick change of direction
If you look at some of the best weightlifters in the world, they have very shallow dips, due to their ability to change direction at a rapid speed. It is important to frequently work in exercises into your program that require a dip:
1. Push Press
2. Push Jerk (similar to a power jerk, but your feet should not separate after the dip)
3. Power Jerk
4. Behind the neck Snatch/Clean grip push presses
5. Behind the neck jerks
6. Jerks from the rack
7. Jerk Dips/drives (an overload exercise w/ 120%+ of your 100% Clean and Jerk
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