The split jerk is utilized by most weightlifters vs. the power jerk or squat jerk due to less balance being required to stabilize the weight overhead. After performing a clean, prior to dipping, it is important to adjust your elbows to a 45-degree angle so the bar is in a stable position on your chest and to allow your arms to move quicker into a locked out position. You want to focus on keeping the pressure in your hips during the dip to help control the descent of the weight prior to changing direction for the drive. The ideal depth range for the dip is between a 1/4 and 1/8 squat. The range varies depending on the individual’s ability to generate force through a quick change of direction. The elites of the sport typically have a shallower dip due to their ability to change direction quickly. Knees should be angled slightly out when dipping, because this allows for your hips to remain under the bar which means you will be in a position to utilize your legs to their fullest potential. When catching the weight in the split the front knee should be slightly over the ankle, and the back leg should have a slight bend in the back knee with the back foot on its toes. It is important to focus on an even split, if your front foot goes forward 2 feet, then your back foot should separate at the same distance. In doing so, this will allow your hips to drop straight under the bar and will keep the bar in line with your shoulders to support the weight overhead. When recovering the front foot should recover first and then the back foot. This will minimize the chance of the weight being lost forward. It is also important to recover evenly with your feet to avoid stepping out from under the bar which can occur if your first step back with your front foot covers too great of a distance.
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