
  • Mid-Atlantic CrossFit Challenge Week 1

    Brought to you by Games Athlete and Brute Coach George Sanchez

    Workout 19.1:

    For time:

    75 Wallballs 20/14

    100 Cal Row

    75 Wallballs

    Breakdown: Time, Length, Equipment needed:

    Time will vary here but for top athletes it’s safe to expect sub 10s.. maybe sub 9s!?

    You will need a medicine ball (20/14) and a concept2 rower. Additionally you’ll need to show the height of your wall-ball target so you will need a tape measure.

    Pacing advice:

    Athletes expecting to qualify in the elite division will need to prepare to go unbroken on BOTH sets of Wall Balls and row at a pace that will allow them to dig in and attack that second set. Pacing on the rower will really vary from person to person but you have to be willing to ride a dangerous line here as every second will matter in this ‘for time’ workout. Go too fast and you’ll be in a world of trouble when you get a third of the way through that final set of Wall Balls. Go too slow and you’ll likely wonder ‘what if’ after and consider a repeat on this one. You have to be willing to just hold on here. The second set of wall-balls will be the workout! Athletes that think 75 unbroken Wallballs is a bit of a reach, especially on the backside, need a work and rest plan to keep themselves on task and moving with a purpose to achieve their best possible time. Again, every second counts so we need to consider how big the sets are as well as exactly how long you will rest between sets. Get the legs and lungs nice and warm before attacking this one!

    Camera setup:

    Remember that videos are NOT required when submitting a score, but an Affiliate Owner can verify your scores. Elite Division however should be videoing ALL workouts because at the conclusion of the qualifier, 1-2 random workout videos will be asked of the athletes. These videos are required to verify your score in the Elite Division for both Team and Individual.

    Prior to starting, film the measuring of the height of the wall-ball target and the weight of the ball so all loads and measurements can be seen clearly. Make sure the video shows a reading of Zero Calories at the start of the workout, and that 100 calories can be clearly seen when the athlete finishes the row. All video submissions should be uncut and unedited in order to accurately display the performance. A clock or timer with the running workout time clearly visible should be in the frame throughout the entire workout. Shoot the video from an angle so all exercises can be clearly seen meeting the movement standards and athletes must stay in the frame for the entire video. Videos shot with a fisheye lens or similar lens may be rejected due to the visual distortion these lenses cause.

    Limiters/ sticking points:

    pacing out rower to be able to truly dig in on the final set of 75 Wallballs

    -sticking to a work/rest plan if things go south


    Yes, although your quads may not love it.. this workout should not tax your CNS too much. Make sure you get a good flush on a bike and prioritize recovery immediately after

    Workout 19.2A & 2B

    0:00 – 10:00
    Find a Heavy Complex
    Snatch + 2 OHS



    10:00 – Finish

    For Time:

    40 Cal AB
    20 Bar Facing Burpees
    15 Squat Snatches (155/105)
    20 Bar Facing Burpees
    40 Cal AB

    Breakdown: Time, Length, Equipment needed:

    10:00 for A, then varied for part B

    Pacing advice:

    You’re going to want to hit the majority of your build up lifts for the complex before you actually start your clock. This will give you more time on the backside to rest before the intensity is turned up to 11 on part B. I would plan on hitting at least 80% of my snatch 1RM before even starting my clock and video then starting it to hit 1 maybe 2 more lifts. A great goal for your complex should be 90%+ of your 1RM Snatch. If you can snatch it, you should be able to hit those two OHS.. just be patient and focused once you stand that lift up. Go big and maximize your rest!

    Part B is going to be a workout where you’re going to have to dig real deep if you want a competitive time. Just like 19.1 this workout is for time and you will need to attack with a plan that maximizes your potential. Until you get about halfway through the snatches, you’re going to want to ride a pace that is about 85-90% effort. Prepare yourself mentally to move quickly into the next movement once you reach your final few reps of the movement you’re on. Transitions into the next movement are key as each movement will tax you a little bit differently so don’t waste any time getting into it. BIG THING… you can step up your burpees on this workout. So instead of jumping back and jumping up, you may step. This might mean you can attack a little harder on that bike and potentially recover in the burpees if you’re comfortable in that movement. A lot of time can be lost here so if you decide to do singles, it’s a drop, then hands are immediately reaching down to set up for the next rep. You have to be aggressive here. The backside of this workout is all about seeing what you have left and how much you’re willing to suffer to achieve your goal. Once you’ve completed your burpees it’s off to the races on the final set of 40 calories. Dig deep, don’t let up, and lean into that discomfort.

    Camera setup:

    Remember that videos are NOT required when submitting a score, but an Affiliate Owner can verify your scores. Elite Division however should be videoing ALL workouts because at the conclusion of the qualifier, 1-2 random workout videos will be asked of the athletes. These videos are required to verify your score in the Elite Division for both Team and Individual.

    Prior to starting, film the plates and barbell(s) to be used so the loads can be seen clearly. All video submissions should be uncut and unedited in order to accurately display the performance. A clock or timer with the running workout time clearly visible should be in the frame throughout the entire workout. Shoot the video from an angle so all exercises can be clearly seen meeting the movement standards and athletes must stay in the frame for the entire video. Videos shot with a fisheye lens or similar lens may be rejected due to the visual distortion these lenses cause.

    Limiters/ sticking points:

    -warm-up and mental preparation for both parts

    -coming out too hot on part B

    -consistent work on 15 squat snatches


    It don’t believe this is one you would want to repeat. CNS fatigue and overall stress from this workout will linger for a couple days.  Prepare yourself properly for the big lift in the beginning and prepare to go dark on Part B. Full effort = full victory.