30 Single-arm Sumo-deadlift high-pull buy-in*
- 8 Hang DB Snatch
- 8 Alternating Renegade Rows
Repeat for 5 total rounds
Rest 1 minute between rounds
Hey Brutes, we’ll be releasing a new workout daily here on the blog from our Outside The Box program throughout the duration of the Coronavirus outbreak.
It’s important for us to stay healthy physically and mentally and the best way to accomplish this is to be proactive and keep our fitness up. Since most gyms are closing down temporarily, we’ll be providing you all with at-home workouts here on the blog that you can perform as prescribed with a pair of dumbbells and a jump rope.
Our workout today involves multiple AMRAP intervals. You’ll start each interval with 30 single-arm SDHP’s (15 on the left and 15 on the right) and then accumulate as many reps and rounds as possible between the hang DB Snatch and the renegade rows.
Think you can maintain the same score for all 5 rounds? Let’s see you post your scores in the comments!
Make sure you check here on the blog tomorrow for an all-new workout!
Be safe.