Brutal Friday

  • Brutal Friday: “Buckle”

    14 Min AMRAP

    10 Right Arm DB Clusters

    12 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups

    10 Left Arm DB Clusters

    12 Box Jump Overs (30/24”)

    (50/35 LB.)


    Get those legs ready for this week’s Brutal Friday because it’s about to get dicey!

    We’re taking the dumbbell for a spin with some full-body unilateral work in the Dumbbell Cluster, AKA the Squat Clean Thruster.

    Combine that with some tall box jumps and some chest to bars (because why not) and you’ve got a workout that’s sure to smoke the legs and lungs.

    Don’t go out too hot though, you’ve got 14 minutes of this bad boy.


    Do you aspire to compete at the sanctional level someday?

    A smart training program that prioritizes your weaknesses is essential to keep up with your competitors nowadays.

    Brute Compete is that program. See how all the pieces fit together to make you the most well-rounded athlete you can be with our 7 Day FREE Trial.

    Click here to get started.

  • Brutal Friday: “Lockout”

    3 Rounds For Time

    30/22 Cal Row

    15 Bar-Facing Burpees

    30-20-10 Shoulder to Overhead


    MEN: 135/165/205 LB.

    WOMEN: 95/115/135 LB.

    Simple and straight to the point, LOCKOUT will test your ability to put the barbell overhead as fatigue sets in.

    As the workout progresses, so does the weight. How you pace the row and the burpees will be the gamechanger.

    How fast are you going to push?

    Do you aspire to compete at the sanctional level someday?

    A smart training program that prioritizes your weaknesses is essential to keep up with your competitors nowadays.

    Brute Compete is that program. See how all the pieces fit together to make you the most well-rounded athlete you can be with our 7 Day FREE Trial.

    Click here to get started.

  • Brutal Friday: “Intermission”

    For Total Time:

    4 Rounds

    15 Toes to Bar

    12 Thrusters (135/95 LB.)


    Rest 3 Min


    4 Rounds

    6 Bar Muscle-Ups

    12 Thrusters (95/65 LB.)


    Brutal Friday is back this week with back-to-back couplets.

    With a format resembling CrossFit Open Workout 19.4, it’s important to reflect on your past performance and how you maximized that rest time in order to get your best overall score possible.

    Do you aspire to compete at the sanctional level some day?

    A smart training program that prioritizes your weaknesses is essential to keep up with your competitors nowadays.

    Brute Compete is that program. See how all the pieces fit together to make you the most well-rounded athlete you can be with our 7 Day FREE Trial.

    Click here to get started.

  • Brutal Friday: “Break Point”

    12 Min AMRAP

    100’ Handstand Walk

    50 DB Box Step-Ups (24/20)

    50 DB Snatch

    200 Double-Unders

    (50/35 LB.)


    Will you excel in the handstand walk and make it 100′ unbroken, or break it up into manageable sections?

    How will your strategy affect the dumbbell work? Your approach will determine the difference between hearing the buzzer with jump-rope in hand or chipping away into that second round. How many of you will make it?

    Click HERE to try the most comprehensive fitness program for CrossFit competitors FREE for 7 days.